Lectures for Downloading

cataract surgery in uveitis handouts (Click to download pdf ) 

EPR presentation 2019  ( click to download pdf)

diabetic retinopathy screening 2019 shortened version ( download pdf)

wet-age-amd-service-october-2016-for-download-1   (click to download pdf)
serious-eye-diseases-smaller-version-for-web   (click to download pdf)

Uveitis whats new 2 (click to download pdf)

Red eye lecture for GP VTS 2017 short version for web (click to download pdf)

Cataract surgery trainer

Mr Saeed is a cataract surgery trainer as well. He has trained specialist trainees in ophthalmology since becoming a consultant. He has trained the next generation of cataract surgeons in London, Surrey as well as Liverpool. 

Following videos are meant for surgical trainees in ophthalmology so that they can learn from different situations during cataract surgery. 


